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4 Ways To Ramp Your Metabolism UP in the next 7 days! - Genetic Nutrition

4 Ways To Ramp Your Metabolism UP in the next 7 days!

, by Sandesh Prasannakumar, 1 min reading time

Slow metabolism my arse mate, lets sort this out!!!

Here are my 4 "go to" methods to increasing your metabolic rate.


It's the fastest way to increase the metabolic rate. Shoot for 1 litre per 50lbs of body weight. (You'll be p***ing like a race horse!!)


I firmly believe people train their metabolism to slow down by eating poor food, and not enough (spiked with binges). Eat more protein (1g per pound of lean body weight at least!) For starters.


Lifting heavy ass weight with intensity will turn you into a calorie burning machine for the next 24 odd hours. Google EPOC!

  1. INTERVAL TRAINING (aka the Devils work)

Never pleasant but highly effective for same reasons for point 3. Try this -

Sprint all out for 20 seconds, rest for 40 seconds and repeat x 10-12 for starters.

I'm out :)


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